8 Little-Known Jobs That Pay $50,000 A Year and Don’t Require a College Degree
It is possible to find a job, without a college degree. Some require a small amount of training, but not four years of college. Often job seekers can self-train for these jobs. This list of careers can pay $50,000 a year, if a person is willing to work long hours. Some require working in dangerous situations, or having a great deal of physical strength.
10 Worthless College Degrees – Infographic
A student who is trying to pick a major for college may want to consider the option of studying for a degree in computer science. Numerous students do not know what to choose for their majors, so it is an excellent idea for them to research the different types of available degrees.
It is important to choose a college degree that offers the potential for a good job, but the student also needs to pick a field of study that offers challenge and a specific objective. Some students major in subjects solely because the particular industries offer extremely high salaries. However, it is also important to choose fields that enable students to use their natural talents.
Read MoreTop Sources of Financial Aid for Women Returning to School
Women often find themselves in financial situations that they did not expect; for example, a woman who desired only to be a stay-at-home mother finds herself widowed at an early age or must make up for lost income when her spouse gets laid off or has difficulty finding work. At times like this, women, especially those with children, may find themselves on the brink of panic. This is a normal reaction, but women in this predicament may have more options than they think. Some should consider taking this time to train for a vocation that will give them and their families the financial security they need for the future.