Education Myth Busting Infographic
No matter how much scientists know about the human mind, there are a few things humans don’t necessarily understand about the way our brains absorb new knowledge. Even educational leaders have been fooled by common misconceptions.
10 Worthless College Degrees – Infographic
A student who is trying to pick a major for college may want to consider the option of studying for a degree in computer science. Numerous students do not know what to choose for their majors, so it is an excellent idea for them to research the different types of available degrees.
It is important to choose a college degree that offers the potential for a good job, but the student also needs to pick a field of study that offers challenge and a specific objective. Some students major in subjects solely because the particular industries offer extremely high salaries. However, it is also important to choose fields that enable students to use their natural talents.
Read More5 Great Christmas Gifts for College Students
Christmas is coming, are you ready? If you have a college student on your gift-giving list, buying an appropriate gift can be tough. If you want to break free from gifts of socks, underwear and towels, why not buy something a little more hip and modern? Here are five gifts that any college student is sure to not only appreciate, but love!
Read MoreRoll your Career Wheels via Distance Learning
Unemployment is one of the toughest phases that an individual can lead through in his or her life. However, sitting and brooding over your fate is certainly not an option, you need to think of something that can roll your career wheels towards success and distance learning stands as the smartest option. Your career planning should start with educational prospects.
Read MoreNursing Job Crisis – To Few Nurses
Even during tough economic times, the healthcare industry is facing an unprecedented nursing shortage. As demand for qualified nurses grows, the job opportunities for trained registered nurses will grow as well. Even at the height of the economic recession, the nursing industry added more than 428,000 jobs in an 18-month period. The need is only expected to grow with at least 55 percent of registered nurses planning to retire by 2020.
Read MoreSmarter Snacking Options at the Indiana State Fair – Infographic
For many Indiana University students the Indiana State Fair is an event many students look forward to every year. Not only are the attractions great but the food, oh the food, is on the minds of many students. From fried twinkies, giant turkey legs to funnel cakes, these delicious but unhealthy snacks are a guilty pleasure many students will find hard to resist. But, as good as it is, we encourage Indiana college students to try and go the healthier route this year. To help students choose those healthier snacking options, Indiana University Health created this healthier snack option guide.
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