It is possible to find a job, without a college degree. Some require a small amount of training, but not four years of college. Often job seekers can self-train for these jobs. This list of careers can pay $50,000 a year, if a person is willing to work long hours. Some require working in dangerous situations, or having a great deal of physical strength.
Apply to be a manager in a retail store, restaurant or other type of business. You will be responsible for delegating tasks, to other employees. In addition, this type of job requires multi-tasking and working long hours. Managers must understand accounting, finance, communication, business and other skills. Managers often work very long hours, and must be available around the clock to assist in operating a business.
Operator in Nuclear Power Plant
This job offers training by the nuclear power plant that hires you. The training will require learning science, math, safety procedures, emergency protocols and other subjects. This job pays well, but it is considered dangerous to personal health. A long commute may be required for this job, as nuclear power plants are typically in low-populated areas. This may mean living in isolation, away from cities and towns.
Forest Firefighter
People who have great physical strength, stamina and no fear of fire can make great money working as forest fire fighter. Applicants will be required to wear heavy fire safety suits, and carry heavy equipment. They may be required to parachute from a helicopter, or plane in order to fight a fire. This job is considered a highly dangerous occupation as forest fire fighters are exposed to hot temperatures and chemicals.
Real Estate Agent
This is a great job for a self-starter, who enjoys selling to customers. A real estate agent can take a short training course, or be trained on the job. A real estate license is required, but not a college degree. People working in this occupation, should be highly social. Creating personal contacts in order to sell, lease and rent property is imperative. Flexible hours are required, in order to show real estate to customers.
Postal Service Worker
Sorting or delivering mail pays very well. Postal carriers must be somewhat physically fit, and be able to work in many weather conditions. Training is achieved on the job, after passing a job test. Typically, a more experienced employee trains the new employee. It can take one or two years to be hired full-time. Often, carriers begin as temporary or call-in employees.
Commercial Diver
This is a highly skilled job that does not require a college degree. Often, commercial divers are individuals who were previously in military service. Employees in this occupation should have diving experience. In addition, they often must have knowledge of construction materials. Physical strength and stamina are required to perform the functions of this job.
Employees working as bricklayers are trained on the job, by more experienced workers. They must be able to read diagrams, and understand written directions. Apprentice programs in which workers learn on the job, are available. Many bricklayers are self-employed, and work as contractors. Contractors must be able to communicate with customers in order to be selected for construction projects.
Carpenters work on houses, bridges, skyscrapers and all building projects. They are responsible for rough framing, and small details working with wood. Many carpenters learn through on-the-job apprentice programs. This occupation requires physical strength, and the ability to work in many types of weather. Many carpenters eventually become independent contractors.
8 Little-Known Jobs That Pay $50,000 A Year and Don’t Require a College Degree
Posted by cspot in Student News
Operator in Nuclear Power Plant
Forest Firefighter
Real Estate Agent
Postal Service Worker
Commercial Diver